Essential Guide to Traveling in Xinjiang: Scenic Spots, Routes, Food, and More

Dear sisters heading to Xinjiang in April and May, here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the vastness of this magnificent region, encompassing scenic spots, routes, cuisine, transportation, accommodation, and activities. Enjoy your reading!

1. The Vastness of Xinjiang

Xinjiang, an expanse unparalleled, offers little more than its immense size as a drawback. Its territory is approximately equivalent to four Japans or sixteen South Koreas.

2. Unpredictable Climate

Be prepared for temperamental weather in Xinjiang, with drastic temperature fluctuations between morning and evening. Even in the heat of summer, bring along shorts, long sleeves, and a thick coat to cope with sudden changes.

3. High Altitude and Strong UV Radiation

Many regions in Xinjiang boast high altitudes and intense UV radiation. Therefore, ensure to take adequate sun protection measures to avoid uneven skin tones.

4. Dry Climate and Long Sunshine Hours

With its arid climate and long hours of sunshine, always carry a water bottle and stay hydrated to maintain bodily water balance during your travels.

5. Hydration and Heatstroke Prevention

Hydration is crucial, and heatstroke prevention is also essential. Carry some cooling medication for emergencies to ensure your health and safety throughout the trip.

6. Unique Working Hours

Xinjiang’s working hours are rather unique, with work starting at 10 am, lunch around 2 pm, and dinner between 8 and 9 pm. Pack some snacks to tide you over hunger pangs during your travels.

7. Essential Documents and Permits

Your ID is indispensable during your travels in Xinjiang, as it’s required at checkpoints. Additionally, certain areas like Kanas (Baihaba Village) require border permits, so plan ahead.

8. Unstable Network Connectivity

In some regions of Xinjiang, network connectivity may be intermittent. Therefore, carry a reasonable amount of cash for contingencies.

9. Altitude Sickness

Apart from the Tashkurgan County in the Pamir Plateau region, altitude sickness is unlikely in other parts of Xinjiang.

10. Delicious Fruits and Post-meal Precautions

Known for their high sweetness, avoid drinking hot water immediately after eating fruits in Xinjiang to prevent diarrhea.

When to Visit Xinjiang?

Each season offers unique beauty:

  • November to early March: Snow-covered landscapes, skiing, and snowman-making in Kanas and Hemu, blue ice in Sayram Lake, and a different snowfield experience in Yili and Southern Xinjiang’s glaciers and snow-capped mountains.
  • March to April: Wild lilies breaking through the ice in Yili, blooming apricot blossoms in Southern Xinjiang, and a unique experience at the Flaming Mountains in Turpan.
  • May to June: Avoid the crowds and enjoy lavender fields in Yili, the enchanting Kurdeling, and the grasslands and snow-capped mountains of Nalati and Xiata.
  • June to August: This is the peak season in Xinjiang, offering a plethora of activities and sights. Both Northern and Southern Xinjiang offer captivating landscapes, and the opening of the Duku and Yizhao highways makes for an unforgettable journey.

    September to October: Admire the golden autumn scenery in Kanas and witness the millennial, decay-resistant poplar forests of Southern Xinjiang.

    Delicious Xinjiang Cuisine

    Must-tries include roast buns, spicy chicken with large pieces, roast naan, Xinjiang-style fried rice noodles, hand-grabbed rice, lamb skewers, spicy lamb trotters, noodles, meat buns, lamb soup, Xinjiang-style dumplings, lamb hotpot, fried pastries, and red fried snacks.

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 Essential Guide to Traveling in Xinjiang: Scenic Spots, Routes, Food, and More

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