Exploring the Charms of Suzhou’s Gardens

The gardens of Jiangnan are renowned throughout the world, and those of Suzhou are the crown jewels of Jiangnan. As a first-time visitor to Suzhou, it is imperative to embark on a journey through its gardens. How could one possibly claim to have visited Suzhou without exploring its gardens, even amidst the crowds of holidays?

Amidst the Four Great Gardens of China, two are situated in Suzhou. The Humble Administrator’s Garden, a 5A-rated attraction, stands as a representative of Suzhou’s largest classical garden. Meanwhile, the Lingering Garden, another 5A-rated gem, embodies the artistic style of private gardens during the Qing Dynasty.

The Lion Grove Garden is a testament to the artistic style of private gardens in the Yuan Dynasty. Its namesake originates from the numerous bamboo groves and grotesque rocks resembling lions within the garden. Additionally, it holds significance as a commemorative nod to Buddhist lineage, drawing inspiration from the lion motifs in Buddhist scriptures.

The沧浪亭, representing the artistic style of private gardens in the Song Dynasty, boasts 108 unique styles of flower windows. Among the Four Great Gardens of Suzhou, which include the Humble Administrator’s Garden, Lingering Garden, Lion Grove Garden, and the沧浪亭, the first three tend to draw larger crowds during holidays.

The Tiger Hill and its leaning tower, known as China’s first leaning tower, stands as one of Suzhou’s iconic landmarks. It is a regret not to visit Tiger Hill when in Suzhou.

Compared to the Humble Administrator’s Garden and Lion Grove Garden, the following attractions tend to draw fewer crowds. The Master-of-Nets Garden offers reflections of its buildings circling the pond, creating a painterly scene during sunset. The Garden of Artful Delights, tucked away in a residential alley, offers a different vista throughout the years, despite its small size.

The Couple’s Garden, renowned as the most romantic garden in Suzhou, is rumored to have been a hideaway for lovers seeking solace. It even features a marriage registration office. The Yi Garden, though compact, is a masterpiece of landscape design, incorporating the essence of many gardens due to its short construction time.

The Ko Garden, situated across a small river from the沧浪亭, is a scholarly garden that offers views of weeping willow reflections and playful fish amidst the lotus pond through its moon gate. Lastly, the Huanxiu Hillside Villa, perhaps the least ostentatious garden in Suzhou, boasts a stunning rockery that is a masterpiece of Jiangnan’s landscape artistry.

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https://www.amzsw.com/: Exploring the Charms of Suzhou’s Gardens

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