Avoiding Pitfalls in a Self-Guided Tour of Southern Xinjiang

Embarking on a journey to Southern Xinjiang? Skip the travel agency and craft your own adventure instead!

Over the course of eight days, the most breathtaking scenery was entirely free of admission fees. Our 20,000+ freestyle trip was a waste, as we spent most of our time commuting and missing out on the essence of the experience.

Please, avoid peak summer holidays. The Duku Highway is a nightmare during these times. The 11-hour drive from Urumqi to Nalati was excruciating, with primitive toilet facilities along the way.

Certain attractions are a waste of time. For instance, Kashgar’s Xiangfei Garden feels like a commercialized park, and the Kerzhi Thousand Buddha Caves revealed little more than ruins. Unless one holds a deep sentimental value, these visits may not be worth it.

The Pamir Plateau? Avoid it. It’s a disappointing collection of rock formations and grasslands, nothing special. The same goes for Taxian County – the accommodations are substandard, and there’s not much to see beyond the scenery.

However, the Duku Highway is a different story. It offers stunning views throughout, with distinct landscapes in the north and south sections. Allow at least two days to fully appreciate its beauty.

Baisha Lake is breathtaking, with warm temperatures perfect for photography.喀什古城, despite its commercialization, retains its original charm, making it an ideal spot for photoshoots.

In conclusion, DIY your travel plans. Seek advice from local guides, rent a car, or hire a driver. Choose your own accommodations. Southern Xinjiang, with its rich cultural heritage and breathtaking landscapes, deserves a well-planned visit.

My personal take? This trip felt like an exaggerated version of Sichuan’s western region. It won’t be my first choice for a repeat visit.

https://www.amzsw.com/: Avoiding Pitfalls in a Self-Guided Tour of Southern Xinjiang

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