Discovering the Beauty of Xinjiang with a Local Travel Agency

I’ve noticed that numerous local travel agencies and leaders in Xinjiang seem to excel at ground operations rather than marketing. Ironically, they are the ones who possess the deepest understanding of Xinjiang and its diverse attractions.

Last year, I embarked on an Ili loop tour organized by a local Xinjiang travel agency. My leader was a young and vibrant individual who even piloted a drone. We traversed off-the-beaten-path routes, avoiding the crowds and long lines associated with large buses and tour groups. Our small vehicle allowed us to navigate deep into scenic areas, significantly reducing walking distances.

Accommodation was arranged within the scenic spots, affording breathtaking views from our windows, providing an immersive experience. The entire journey was leisurely, with plenty of time to enjoy delicious cuisine and engage in various activities. The itinerary was tailored to our preferences, ensuring a memorable experience.

Therefore, if you’re planning a trip to Xinjiang with a small group of friends or family, I highly recommend seeking out a local travel agency for a customized experience. Design a unique itinerary tailored to your schedule, exploring Xinjiang’s natural wonders at your own pace.

My Ili itinerary from last year spanned nine days, offering a comprehensive exploration of the region’s snow-capped mountains, serene lakes, vast grasslands, and dense forests. Here’s a breakdown of our daily activities:

  • D1: Urumqi – Sayram Lake (Highlights: Shawan Signature Chicken Dish, Sayram Lake Sunset, Dianjiangtai)
  • D2: Sayram Lake – Guozigou Valley – Yining (Highlights: Circumnavigation of Sayram Lake, Swan Interaction, Viral S-shaped Bend, Guozigou Scenic Area, Lavender Garden, Huanghuang Village, Liuxing Street)
  • D3: Yining – Yizhao Highway – Zhaosu (Highlights: Baishifeng Scenic Area, Casual Walk in Kazanqi, Tianma Bathing River, Yuhu Lake)
  • D4: Zhaosu – Xiata – Tekes (Highlights: Xiata Ancient Path, Light Hiking, Distant Snow-capped Mountain Views, Night View of Bagua City)
  • D5: Tekes – Qiongkushitai (Highlights: Liji Street, Qiongkushitai Rear Mountain, Horseback Riding Experience, Ancient Village)
  • D6: Qiongkushitai – Kuerding/Gongliu (Highlights: Secret Ancient Path, Qiapuqihai, Yunshang Grassland, Camping Experience)
  • D7: Kuerding/Gongliu – Nalati Town (Highlights: Nalati Aerial Grassland, Viral Bridge Photo Op)
  • D8: Nalati Town – Duku Highway – Kuitun (Highlights: Traversing the Most Beautiful Highway, Qiaerma, Tangbula Fairy Lake)
  • D9: Kuitun – Urumqi (Highlights: Stunning Anjihai Grand Canyon, Baili Danxia)

This itinerary is ideal for travel between June and August. I wish everyone a delightful and memorable experience in Xinjiang, capturing countless stunning photos. The beauty of Xinjiang is truly breathtaking and deserves to be revisited.

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 Discovering the Beauty of Xinjiang with a Local Travel Agency

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