A Timid Traveler’s Experience at Universal Studios Beijing

Firstly, I must confess that I am a timid soul at Shanghai Disneyland, one who shuts her eyes tight and clenches her fists throughout the smallest of rides. Projects that invoke a sense of weightlessness are those I would decline, even if offered a fortune. Prior to my visit to Universal Studios Beijing, I had browsed through numerous guides and reviews, many of which mentioned the thrill and weightlessness of various attractions. This caused me considerable anxiety on the eve of my visit. Nevertheless, here is my honest account of the experience, hoping to offer encouragement to those who, like me, desire to explore but are apprehensive.

1. Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey: To those who warned of vertigo and weightlessness, I say, step forward! My first ride was a blindfolded, hand-gripping adventure, fearing the slightest surge of speed or upward thrust. However, after shouting for two minutes, I realized with embarrassment that there was nothing to fear. I felt hardly any weightlessness! Hence, on my second ride, I kept my eyes open, merely closing them during the apparition of ghosts.

2. Flight of the Hippogriff: The speed was not as daunting as anticipated. Initially nervous, I found that the sensation of weightlessness was minimal. It was simply a swift ride, and before I could utter a few screams, it was over. Perhaps it was the fact that I hadn’t experienced such speed in years, but I did feel a fleeting dizziness upon disembarking. Nevertheless, it was a reassuring ride.

3. Transformers: A pure cinematic spectacle, sitting in the small cars, the special effects were incredibly realistic. There were plunges without the sensation of weightlessness, making it a bold and thrilling experience.

4. Jurassic World VelociCoaster: This ride offered no weightlessness, primarily accelerating in a parallel trajectory. The speed during acceleration was breathtaking, and while I screamed, the absence of vertical weightlessness made it tolerable. The only downside was the strong wind, so remember to dress appropriately.

5. Jurassic Park Adventure: Another ride that involved sitting in a vehicle and watching special effects. Sitting in the front row, the dinosaurs were a breathtaking sight up close. It was neither stimulating nor terrifying, making it a reassuring experience. Given that it was the low season, I purchased a 1.5-day ticket with early entry. Apart from the intimidating rides like the Gringotts Coaster and the Minions indoor coaster, which I skipped, I managed to explore almost everything else. My overall impression is that, aside from the intimidating rides, most attractions at Universal Studios Beijing are enjoyable and needn’t be feared. Approach them with a casual mindset, and you’ll find that the ones I haven’t mentioned are generally mild and enjoyable. #UniversalStudios #UniversalStudiosBeijing #UniversalStudiosBeijingGuide

https://www.amzsw.com/: A Timid Traveler’s Experience at Universal Studios Beijing

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