A Comprehensive Travel Guide to Tianjin for Your Next May Holiday

Ladies who are eager to explore during the May holiday, Tianjin is indeed a captivating city worth visiting! However, it is imperative to do thorough research before your trip to avoid any unnecessary hassles. Who among us rushes into a trip without proper planning? Despite this, I have a profound fondness for the city, its warmth and unique charm. 🌟 With the assistance of my friends in Tianjin, I stayed up late to compile this comprehensive and insightful travel guide, hoping that all sisters visiting Tianjin will fall in love with this enchanting place.

Transportation in Tianjin:

  • Tianjin Binhai International Airport is conveniently accessible via Metro Line 2.
  • Download the “Tianjin Metro” app for seamless travel.
  • Major railway stations include Tianjin Station, Tianjin North Station, Tianjin West Station, and Tianjin South Station, all with high-speed train services.
  • Use ZFB to scan and ride buses or the metro.
  • When taking a taxi, try to avoid the morning rush hour, especially in the narrow and congested areas around Binjiang Avenue. Alternatively, opt for a bike ride or a leisurely walk.

Essential Documents and Items:

  • Identity Card
  • Student ID (Remember to bring it for discounts at various locations)
  • Carry a small amount of cash for emergencies
  • Electronic devices: Phone, power bank, charging cable, camera
  • Personal hygiene products: Facial cleanser, shampoo, shower gel, makeup remover, face towels
  • Hotel supplies: Disposable bedding set (for hygiene), disposable towels, disposable bathrobes, toilet seat covers
  • Personal belongings: Change of clothes, handbag, masks, umbrella
  • Cosmetics: Choose according to your preferences, but sunscreen is a must!

Food Recommendations in Tianjin:

  • Old-fashioned Fritters: Deliciously greasy with a hint of saltiness and alkaline flavor, these fritters are a must-try!
  • Dingji Roll: I adore the fermented bean curd flavor in these rolls. You can choose between the roll and the wrap.
  • Haierjie Sticky Rice Cake: While the sticky rice cake is delicious, the donkey roll is truly exceptional! (A little tip: You can contact the auntie for postal delivery.)

Please note that the images and content have been authorized by @Diouk7. Do not mistake it for something else. #SpringOnTheMountain #Tianjin #TianjinFood #TianjinTravel #TianjinGuide #TianjinAccommodation #CheapAccommodationInTianjin #Homestay #Hotel #WhereToGoForMayHoliday #TombSweepingDay #TianjinJourney #BeautifulHomestay #HomestayWorthRecommending

https://www.amzsw.com/: A Comprehensive Travel Guide to Tianjin for Your Next May Holiday

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