Reflections on My Tianjin Trip: Highlights and Insights

I am grateful to the blogger for providing the detailed route guide, which I followed closely throughout my journey today. I visited the Tianjin Museum, but skipped the Church, Gulou Cultural Street. My mode of transportation primarily consisted of the subway and bicycle.

Here are a few noteworthy points:

  • If you have a penchant for history and culture, the Tianjin Museum is a must-visit. I found that even two hours were not enough to fully explore its contents; it was merely a glimpse. If given a chance, I would spend an entire day there. Moreover, its location and surroundings are ideal for photography, offering stunning vistas. It’s the perfect spot for relaxation!
  • The attractions in Tianjin are not necessarily exceptional or unique. None of them are a must-visit, whether it’s the Tianjin Museum as the starting point or the Tianjin Eye as the finale. It’s all about personal preferences. (Personal opinion, Tianjin friends, please take it easy.)
  • I recommend downloading a dedicated subway app beforehand as the combination of bicycles and the subway can efficiently cover most of the attractions in Tianjin. Cycling is particularly recommended in the Five Avenues area as walking can be quite tiring. Additionally, buying a bike pass is quite convenient.
  • There’s no need to queue up at the Northwest Corner. If you happen to pass by in the evening, you can grab a bite to eat. The food is decent, but queuing up for long periods seems unnecessary. Also, there’s a heavy emphasis on sweet foods, so if you’re not a fan, you can skip it. (Personal opinion, Tianjin friends, please take it easy.)
  • The most enjoyable aspect of Tianjin, in my opinion, is its people and their dialect. Listening to the Tianjin accent is hilarious! Moreover, the locals are incredibly warm and helpful. I encountered a kind uncle at the Northwest Corner who actively recommended which pastries to try, and they were quite tasty.
  • The bridges in Tianjin are quite distinctive, with the Western-style of the Beian Bridge leaving a profound impression on me.
  • Walking along the Haihe River is quite enjoyable, whether it’s during the daytime or evening. There’s always something scenic to behold. I even encountered a young lady singing in the afternoon. However, the nightscape is even more captivating, though the water appears slightly dirty during the daytime.

#Tianjin #TianjinFood #TianjinTravel #TianjinTourism

 Reflections on My Tianjin Trip: Highlights and Insights

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