A Day of Seashore Hunting: Treasures of the Tide

Yesterday, I shared my bounty from a day of seashore hunting, and an array of inquiries promptly followed, inquiring about the locale. πŸ˜„ After confirming the exact location with my husband, I’m here to share the details! πŸ” Simply search for “China Power Construction Corporation Harbor and Waterway Engineering Co., Ltd. Water System Connectivity Phase I Revetment Project Department” on your map, and upon arrival, follow the path to the sea’s edge.

Our crabs were discovered beneath stones beneath a bridge, and we were also fortunate to find shrimp and conch. 🐚 While the clams were sparse, we had arrived early, coinciding with the ebbing tide, which allowed us to gather a few conch before the rain drove us home. It’s conceivable that a fuller retreat of the tide might have revealed a richer haul of clams.

For those with children under 3, I recommend exploring the beaches of Dongjiang Bay for clam digging. For older children and adults, the thrill of crab hunting here is unparalleled. ⚠️ However, it’s essential to wear gloves and waterproof boots for protection. If you’re planning a trip, consult the tidal tables for the optimal times to hunt. According to the charts, the period from May 1st to 3rd is particularly favorable, while the 4th and 5th may not be as conducive. For further clarification, feel free to inquire; while my knowledge is limited, I’ll do my best to assist.

#SeashoreHunting #TianjinSeashore #TianjinSeashoreGuide #CrabHunting #TideTreasures

https://www.amzsw.com/: A Day of Seashore Hunting: Treasures of the Tide

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