The Bliss of an Alternative May Day Trip in Tianjin

The reversed tourism trend on May Day in Tianjin is truly delightful! 😍 The serene emptiness of the basketball πŸ€ courts, tennis courts 🎾, and badminton 🏸 fields is simply enchanting! For the first time, experiencing such a relaxed May Day holiday without the crowds has been a revelation. In Xiqing Zhongbei Town, we discovered a marvelous camping πŸ•οΈ spot where vehicles can easily access. This idyllic camping destination, nestled near the Kaiyuan Jingye Zhongbei School in Nankai District, offers a unique escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. #TravelTips #LadiesWhoPlayBall #MayDayTrips #VisitMyCityForMayDay #CityExploration #KickstartingTheHolidayWithAPhoto #CampingTogether #Camping #IdealCampingSpots

 The Bliss of an Alternative May Day Trip in Tianjin

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