An Unexpectedly Rewarding Day Trip to Jincheng

I was pleasantly surprised to discover that a Monday class had been rescheduled, effectively granting me a precious free day! Seizing the opportunity, I quickly arranged a trip to Jincheng with my dear friends.
Our primary attraction, the Imperial Mansion of Huangcheng, held a particular fascination for us. To keep our expenses low and avoid additional hotel costs, we narrowed our itinerary to include only the Imperial Mansion, the Haihui Academy, and the Ancient City of Guoyu.
I must commend the public transportation system in Jincheng as being exceptional. The fare from the city center to the Imperial Mansion was merely one yuan, making it extremely student-friendly and conveniently budget-friendly. Combined with the cost of our roundtrip high-speed train tickets, we managed to spend only 215.5 yuan for an entire day of fun and exploration.
The weather on that day was perfect, with a comfortable temperature and gentle sunshine. Being a weekday during the low season, the crowds were sparse, resulting in an excellent photography experience. However, the winds in Shanxi can be quite strong, making the mornings and evenings quite chilly.
On our way to the Heluo Liu restaurant, we were treated to a breathtaking sunset, a stunning sight that made the journey even more memorable. For a detailed itinerary and more information, please refer to Figures 2-7. This trip took place on March 11th, 2024.
#Jincheng #TravelTips #WeekendGetaway #DayTrip #StudentLife #Jiaozuo

 An Unexpectedly Rewarding Day Trip to Jincheng

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