Inner Mongolia: A Hidden Gem for Travelers

A mere visit is enough to be enchanted by the allure of Inner Mongolia. Since my self-drive adventure last year, I have made three more trips to this remarkable region, exploring its vast landscapes from volcanoes to lush forests and deserts. The natural wonders here are truly abound, and I am eager to share three lesser-known destinations with fellow travelers.

Ulanqab · Ulan Hada Volcano Park – Just a three-hour drive from Beijing, this volcano park is a must-see destination. Even if you have visited Tibet and Xinjiang, the scenery here will still leave you in awe. For photography enthusiasts, make a beeline for Volcano 5 and 6. The surroundings of Volcano 5 are perfect for capturing sunset photos, while the slopes provide excellent viewpoints. On Volcano 6, you can rent astronaut suits for a truly out-of-this-world experience. The black rocks on the ground evoke a lunar landing atmosphere.

Self-drive Tips: Enter the volcano park from the back and head straight for Volcano 5 after exiting the highway. You can choose to visit Volcanoes 5-8 or 3-4, but note that they are separated, so be mindful of the distances between them.

Hohhot · Halaqin Reservoir – Conveniently located within the city of Hohhot, this reservoir offers a serene escape from the hustle and bustle. During our visit last May, the roads were deserted, making the journey a breeze. Bringing a drone adds a new dimension to your photos, capturing the vastness of the reservoir’s shimmering surface. The scenery here reminded us of Tibet’s Yamdrok Lake.

Self-drive Tips: Navigate to Deshengying Village and Zunsheng Temple. Be aware that navigating directly to Zunsheng Temple may lead you to a closed road.

Baogutu Desert near Chifeng – Who would have imagined that a vast and endless desert would be found so close to Beijing? The soft sand here reminded us fondly of our Sahara adventure. This unexpected discovery was one of the highlights of our Inner Mongolia trip. The desert closes at 5:00 pm, so it’s advisable to arrive earlier. Even sedans can access the area, but be mindful of the 3-kilometer stone-paved road that requires cautious driving.

Self-drive Tips: Navigate directly to Baogutu Desert. For dinner, you can head to nearby Naiman Banner, as the desert is conveniently located and not remote.

These three destinations, all visited during the May holiday, offered a serene and uncrowded experience. Although the grass was not yet green, the scenery was still captivating for photography. Embrace the beauty of nature and avoid the crowds by exploring these hidden gems of Inner Mongolia.

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 Inner Mongolia: A Hidden Gem for Travelers

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