A Journey to Chifeng: Unexpected Scenery and Unexpected Challenges

Initially, I had not intended to embark on a journey during the May Day holiday. However, on the eve of the break, I made a spontaneous decision to visit Chifeng. The vastness of Inner Mongolia, with its sparse population, meant that each destination was a minimum of 200 kilometers apart.

On the first day, we chose to visit the nearest attraction, the Yulong Sand Lake. Overall, the experience was pleasant, albeit a bit windy. We had the opportunity to ride camels, priced at 120 yuan per person. Initially, there was a hint of nervousness, but the ride lasted approximately two hours.

The second day was slated for a trip to the Ashatu Stone Forest. Our planned route included the Dada Line, touted as one of China’s ten most beautiful highways. The scenery was indeed breathtaking, with cattle and sheep freely crossing the road. I imagined it would be even more enchanting in a couple of months, when the grass would be lush and green.

Upon arriving at the Ashatu Stone Forest, due to certain circumstances, we were unable to enter and had to return to Chifeng, a journey of another 300 kilometers.

On the third day, we had intended to visit Dali Lake. However, the disappointment of not being able to visit the Stone Forest the previous day left us hesitant. The fear of another 300-kilometer drive for nothing, coupled with the fact that the map indicated the area was closed, prompted us to call the scenic spot. But the phone lines remained unanswered, and so we abandoned the idea of visiting Dali Lake.

Instead, we decided to explore Ulan Butong. The journey there, without a highway, was a three-hour drive on a national road, covering over 200 kilometers. Upon arrival, we struggled to find the ticket office for the scenic area. Eventually, we navigated to Gongzhu Lake, discovering that once you purchase a ticket, you can drive to various attractions such as the lake and the film and television base. However, the distances between these attractions were quite far, and the experience was somewhat different from the vast grassland scenery we had imagined.

Overall, while the scenery during this trip was beautiful and the lack of tourists due to the season was a plus, the overall experience was rather mediocre. Perhaps, when the opportunity arises again, I will visit Hulunbeir to fully immerse myself in the beauty of the grasslands.

#TravelPhotography #Journey #ChifengTravel #Grasslands

https://www.amzsw.com/: A Journey to Chifeng: Unexpected Scenery and Unexpected Challenges

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