Exploring Qiyun Mountain: A Hidden Gem of Taoist Architecture and Natural Beauty

Qiyun Mountain, situated in close proximity to Huangshan, might not be as well-known, but it holds a profound significance as a renowned Taoist temple. Its architectural style, embodying the Taoist philosophy of harmony with nature, complements the captivating Danxia landscape, rendering it a highly recommended destination. Legend has it that Emperor Jiajing once sent someone to pray for a son here, and upon the birth of a son, he bestowed upon the individual the title of “Tian Guan”. Today, the remains of the Tian Guan Mansion can still be found on the mountain.

Accommodation: Qiyun Mountain is conveniently located near the scenic town of Hongcun, offering a plethora of accommodation options. Many hotels in Hongcun have collaborations with Qiyun Mountain, offering complimentary tickets with hotel bookings, eliminating the need for separate ticket purchases.

Route: For self-driving, navigate to Wangxianlou. Follow the directions until you reach a checkpoint that bars entry for non-local vehicles. Park your car in the free parking lot adjacent to the checkpoint, which also features a public toilet. From there, embark on the hiking trail opposite, which leads to the Wangxianlou ticket checkpoint in approximately 20 minutes. This is the upper terminus of the cable car, meaning you can forgo the cable car ride and save the cost of 120 yuan.

Activities: Following the trail from Yitianmen to Ertianmen, Santianmen, Yuehua Street, and finally to Yuxu Palace, you can explore the various attractions and sights of Qiyun Mountain. Among them, Yuxu Palace, nestled against the mountainside, stands as a paradigm of Taoist architecture.

Ticket Discounts and Policies:

  • From February 1st to February 25th, 2024, visitors born under the zodiac signs of Dragon, Dog, Rabbit, and Cow will be eligible for free entry to Qiyun Mountain, regardless of region or gender, upon presentation of their identity cards (based on the Gregorian calendar year stated on the ID).
  • Free tickets are also available on every Wednesday that is not a public holiday, excluding February 14th, for a total of 12 days.
  • Residents of seven cities (Huangshan, Anqing, Chizhou, Xuancheng, Quzhou, Nanping, and Shangrao) can enjoy a 50% discount on tickets with proof of identity.
  • Foreign visitors are also eligible for a 50% discount on tickets.
  • All tourist attractions in the city offer free entry to youths under 18 years old (exclusive) and seniors aged 60 years or above.

Embark on a journey to Qiyun Mountain and immerse yourself in its enchanting blend of Taoist architecture and natural beauty. #QiyunMountain #DomesticTravelDiary #QiyunMountainTravel #FreeEntry

https://www.amzsw.com/: Exploring Qiyun Mountain: A Hidden Gem of Taoist Architecture and Natural Beauty

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