Avoiding Lipu: My Disappointing Experience

I am disappointed with my visit to Lipu and will not be returning. Our experience was limited to Dongbi, and there were numerous drawbacks. The cluster of guesthouses here cannot be scrutinized closely, as their exteriors appear rather粗糙. Overall, Dongbi is primarily suitable for photography, but lacks in terms of practicality.

  • The sea water is rather ordinary and lacks the desired blueness. The majority of online photos are heavily edited.
  • The popular coffee shop, situated on a slope, is quite small. Essentially, it comprises two tiny rooms with a few outdoor umbrellas. Each room accommodates only a couple of tables, with one scenic window offering photo opportunities. (Nonetheless, the beverages are decent.)
  • The guesthouse cluster comprises various self-built accommodations, none of which are worth scrutinizing. Apart from a few, such as Shijianhai, which boasts an impressive interior design, the majority of the decors appear quite粗糙.
  • Noise pollution is a significant issue. Presumably to cater to the Golden Week rush, numerous guesthouses in the village are undergoing renovations, resulting in considerable noise.
  • Parking is inconvenient, necessitating self-driving. The village seems to have only two parking facilities.
  • The touted Instagram spots lack any noteworthy charm. Whether it’s the path beside Shijianhai or the road flanked by numerous houses, both are rather ordinary locales. The appealing online photos are primarily the result of excessive saturation and editing. In reality, there’s not much to see.
  • The sunset here is indeed beautiful, but I feel it’s not worth the two-hour drive from Wenzhou solely for this view. The seafood is tasty and reasonably priced, predominantly prepared through stir-frying and braising. However, it doesn’t quite match up to the seafood of Wenzhou or Taizhou.
  • I’m baffled by the online comparisons to places like Kamakura or Santorini. Dongbi is merely an ordinary fishing village. Considering its shortcomings, I would recommend exploring other destinations. Zhejiang and Fujian provinces offer plenty of viable alternatives.
  • Wenzhou, for instance, boasts a mature guesthouse industry with superior designs. Places like Dongtou in Cangnan also possess charming fishing villages, offering beautiful sunrises and sunsets, comparable to Dongbi. The seafood in Wenling and Yuhuan in Taizhou is exceptional. Although I’m unfamiliar with Fujian, if I were seeking a more artistic experience, I’d opt for Xiamen instead.
  • In conclusion, Lipu seems to be a place that relies heavily on edited and saturated photos to attract tourists. While the sunset is indeed captivating, it’s not worth a dedicated trip solely for this. There are numerous other locations in China that offer equally stunning sunrises and sunsets. I’m increasingly doubting whether I approached this destination in the right manner.

I visited Lipu on a sunny day and am disappointed by the negative feedback I’ve received. There are numerous drawbacks, and it’s unnecessary to focus solely on the sea water. The other issues are even more frustrating. I’ve made it clear that my comments are limited to Dongbi, and I have not visited or criticized other areas of Lipu. Additionally, Dongbi is currently undergoing widespread renovations, resulting in unphotogenic exteriors and significant noise pollution. The roadside parking is also chaotic. These are all facts. While the sunrises and sunsets are indeed beautiful, as I’ve mentioned, the Instagram spots lack charm. If you insist on visiting during the May Day holiday, be prepared for disappointment. For now, I would advise against visiting Lipu.

#LipuTravel #Lipu #AvoidingLipu #TravelAvoidance #FujianTravel

https://www.amzsw.com/: Avoiding Lipu: My Disappointing Experience

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