Climbing the Mountain: A Tale of Challenges and Scenic Views

After pouring over countless travel guides, why did none mention the option of taking a vehicle to the top? Some even claimed that reaching the summit required only a brisk twenty-minute climb! Naively, I fell for it! Upon arriving at the foot of the mountain, we were approached by someone inquiring if we wished to take a ride. Believing that twenty minutes would be a breeze, we embarked on the journey. However, after ascending mere hundreds of steps, regret began to creep in. Nevertheless, we persevered, enduring the climb with intermittent breaks, only to arrive at the first peak after an hour.

The prospect of scaling the second and highest peak was utterly daunting, and I realized that this mountain was no easy conquest. While the ascent was indeed challenging, the scenery was undoubtedly breathtaking. The vista from the first peak was nothing short of stunning, though capturing photos standing on the protruding boulder required a courageous heart. I cautiously shuffled my steps, afraid to glance downward. Fortunately, the day was windless, making photography a breeze.

For those interested in capturing aerial footage, bringing your own drone is an option, or you can opt for the professional drone service available at the top for a fee of 50 yuan per person. The descent, thankfully, was much more leisurely, taking approximately twenty minutes. The option of taking a vehicle up the mountain costs 20 yuan per person, or you can negotiate for 30 yuan for two. Upon my next visit, I will certainly opt for the ride! It’s worth noting that there are no toilets on the mountain, but there is a public one at the base. During the climb, there are vending machines offering water and other beverages, priced reasonably at around five to six yuan each.

These are the highlights of my experience. For any further questions or inquiries, feel free to ask! #QidaVillage #QiguanDing #FuzhouQidaVillage #QidaVillageGuide #LianjiangQidaVillage #QiguanDing #FuzhouTravel #FuzhouTravelGuide #FuzhouPhotography #UniqueTravelDestinations

 Climbing the Mountain: A Tale of Challenges and Scenic Views

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