A Disappointing Two-Day Trip to Lushan Mountain

On the 13th of March, I embarked on a two-day adventure to Lushan Mountain. Commencing at Lushan North Station, I boarded a bus for 10 yuan to reach the cable car terminal. The cable car ride cost 70 yuan, and the subsequent mountain bus fare was another 70 yuan.

On the first day, I visited the Flower Path, Ruqin Lake, the Cottage of Bai Juyi, and the Fairy Cave, all located in close proximity. Subsequently, I explored Lulin Lake, the former site of the Lushan Conference, and the Street Park.

The second day dawned with a visit to Hanpokou and the Three-Tiered Falls. Upon exiting through the east gate, I boarded the downhill bus for 10 yuan. However, the experience took a turn for the worse when I attempted to take the bus to the railway station in Xingzi. Instead of purchasing a ticket for the 10 yuan fare, I was taken to an unknown terminal, forcing me to spend additional money to reach my destination. The added cost of 3 yuan was tolerable, but the wasted time was exasperating.

Overall, my impression of the trip was far from satisfactory. Despite the free entry during this season, there was little to see, and fees were levied everywhere. The atmosphere on the mountain was cold, and inquiries were often met with indifference. The management was chaotic, and while the prices were high, the quality of food and services left much to be desired.

The 70-yuan sightseeing bus was particularly disappointing as there was little to see and few occasions where it was truly necessary. I ended up using it only three times, and the bus did not adhere to a fixed route, skipping many stops. As a result, I was forced to walk considerable distances to reach my destinations. In the end, I did not even have the chance to visit the Five Old Men Peaks, and the stairs leading to the Three-Tiered Falls were a frustrating ordeal, leaving my knees aching.

In conclusion, my experience at Lushan Mountain was far from enjoyable, and I am unlikely to return in the future.

https://www.amzsw.com/: A Disappointing Two-Day Trip to Lushan Mountain

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