Jiangxi: A Region of Rich History and Natural Beauty

Jiangxi, abbreviated as Gan and with its capital in Nanchang, is a province located in the southeastern part of China, situated on the southern bank of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. It belongs to the eastern China region and spans between longitudes 113°34′36″-118°28′58″ and latitudes 24°29′14″-30°04′41″. Bordering Zhejiang and Fujian to the east, Guangdong to the south, Hunan to the west, and Hubei and Anhui to the north, Jiangxi shares a contiguous border with the Yangtze River.

With its strategic location and convenient transportation network, Jiangxi, situated in the south of the Yangtze River, has enjoyed a prestigious reputation since ancient times as a land of cultural and moral excellence, often referred to as the “land of literature and righteousness” and the “kingdom of white cranes, fish, and rice.” It is also known as a region that has been a crossroads of cultures, situated at the junction of Wu, Chu, Yue, and Min civilizations.

Parts of Jiangxi belong to the West Coast Economic Zone, and within its borders lies China’s largest freshwater lake, Poyang Lake. The province is also renowned as one of Asia’s largest copper industrial bases, earning accolades such as the “World Capital of Tungsten,” the “Kingdom of Rare Earths,” the “Copper Metropolis of China,” and the “Homeland of Non-ferrous Metals.”

Jiangxi is renowned both domestically and internationally for its rich red culture. Mount Jinggang is considered the cradle of the Chinese revolution, Nanchang the birthplace of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, Ruijin the site where the Provisional Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic was established and from where the Long March originated, and Anyuan the birthplace of the Chinese worker’s movement.

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