Mystical Half-City of Rain and Fairy – A Journey to Wangxian Valley

“Half the city veiled in mist and rain, half the city inhabited by fairies” — Wangxian Valley 🧚‍♀️. As expected, the rainy season in Jiangxi brings afternoon showers, yet the Chinese woman who strives for the perfect photograph will never concede defeat! 💪

Dressing in ancient costumes in Wangxian Valley is truly spectacular! ✔️ The elegance of Xianjian’s Purple Xuan, Longkui, and Xiyao ✔️ The grandeur of a Western Region princess ✔️ The swagger of a knight ✔️ The ethereal beauty of flowing Hanfu — I believe they all capture the essence perfectly! 👔

There are Hanfu stores located both within the scenic area and about 1-2km away. Outside the area, rentals are charged by the day, ranging from 100-200 yuan per day. Inside, they are priced by the hour, approximately 160 yuan for 2 hours, slightly pricier. The quality of makeup, hairstyling, and costumes will be up to your own judgment. 🍃

Regarding Routes and Photospots: Upon entering the scenic area, we opted to explore in reverse, heading left. The trail was less crowded, and after a short walk, we captured some stunning shots on the platform (Figures 1-5). The lower levels are denser with trees, while the upper levels offer a more scenic view. 🙋‍♀️ The best time for photography was around 6pm.

Continuing upward, we walked along a wooden栈道, capturing a magnificent view of the waterfall from an intermediate platform. (The iPhone’s long exposure feature was truly impressive, brightening up the evening darkness like daylight.) 🌌 After reaching the summit, we descended to find a lively food street, also a great spot for photos. 📷 There were numerous shops offering delicious cuisine, and we enjoyed both Bridgehead Ribs and Black Rice without any regrets. 💥

Further down, we encountered a charming stone bridge, offering scenic views from both sides. 🌉 The highlight was the majestic waterfall, where we managed to capture some stunning photos without getting wet. 🔚

Hotels outside the scenic area are just a few minutes’ drive away, although prices are significantly higher. However, there are plenty of parking spaces nearby, so unless you’re part of a tour group, I highly recommend driving independently. 🚗


  1. Could anyone please teach me how to achieve that black and gold filter effect seen in online photos? 🤔
  2. Arriving at around 3pm and staying until evening is a reasonable schedule. In fact, sunset is the most optimal time for photography… 🌅

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 Mystical Half-City of Rain and Fairy – A Journey to Wangxian Valley

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